Doubling Up on the Roasts For A Retirement Party with Hog Roast Edmonton!

Hog Roast EdmontonMaking it all the way through your career to your eventual retirement can be a bittersweet thing. While you now have the freedom to live out your twilight years without working, it’s an entire life and a whole lot of people that you are often waving goodbye to. That is why we have retirement parties; it’s good to have that one last hurrah to celebrate the good times you had in your career with all of the friends you made and the colleagues you worked with across it. And, when you do, Hog Roast Edmonton are the ones to help cater for you!

Last week it was the turn of Benjamin from one of our regular corporate client businesses. Ben has been familiar with the Hog Roast Edmonton team for quite some time since we regularly come into his office to deliver staff lunches. It may be fair to say that we have got pretty friendly with Ben over the years, so it was bittersweet to have him approach us during one of our staff lunch visits a few months back to tell us that it may be one of his last as he was retiring soon. That bittersweet moment, however, turned to a privileged one as he then asked us if his favourite caterer would do him the honour of bringing our dining excellence to his retirement party. Of course we said yes!

Hog Roast Edmonton

Fast forward to last week, and after quite a bit of discussion with Ben we had our dining all set to go. Ben was always a big fan of our hog roast, but our lamb roast ran it a very close second, so, when putting together our dining plan for his party, these were both top of his list. We opted to go for a buffet in that case so that guests could have a choice of both along with our many other fresh sides. We had skewers, roast potatoes, fries, sage and onion stuffing, salad, coleslaw, roasted veggies, and more! It was no less than the man of the hour deserved as around 180 ex and present colleagues, friends, and family members came out to celebrate Ben’s retirement! Hog Roast Edmonton

From all at Hog Roast Edmonton, enjoy the next stage of life, Ben!